En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French.
- Reviewed the vocabulary sheet (Unité 4 on questions and adverbs).
- Students wrote answers on board from Monday night's homework (double-sided worksheet). Discussed answers and corrected errors.
- Partnered activity (one partner had all of the questions and the other has all of the answers. Partners then appropriately matched each question and answer together).
Les devoirs:
- Pretend like you are going to do a magazine, TV, radio, etc. interview for your favorite movie star, singer, character in a novel, sports player, etc. Prepare and write down 10 questions you would like to ask him/her. These 10 questions should use 10 different question words from your vocabulary list. Be creative! You do not need to answer these questions. This is due Wednesday.
- Prepare for Friday's quiz on asking and responding to questions.
En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French.
- Conversations in French about Thanksgiving plans, etc.
- Passed out Unité 1 review guide for Friday's test.
- Completed activities 4 and 5 on page 27 in the textbook with a partner.
- Played a review game - first day of three - one half of the classroom against the other half. We will keep a running tally of each team's points and determine the winner on Thursday! Good luck!
Les devoirs:
- Study for the Unité 1 test (Friday).
- Complete the double-sided worksheet passed out in class today to review time telling.
In class:
- Worked on francophone paper and presentation for the first half of class.
- Read a few more chapters in The Little Prince.
- ALL francophone papers, packets, and bibliographies are due tomorrow (Wednesday).
- Practice and rehearse for your presentation (Wed.-Fri.)