En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French about weekend plans, etc.
- Sang "Mal à la tête" with Monsieur Pomme de Terre.
- Reviewed the Leçon 19 vocabulary worksheet.
- Read and acted out the conversation between Nicolas and Jean-Claude on page 160 and answered the "Compréhension" questions.
- Read the "Note Culturelle" about friendship on page 161.
Les devoirs:
- Complete book pages 162-163 activities 1-2.
- Bring in articles and artifacts.
- Add "French at Julian" as a friend on Facebook!
En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French about weekend plans, etc.
- Played "hiding/counting" game in order to review numbers 20-69.
- Sang "Mal à la tête" with Monsieur Pomme de Terre.
- Discussed Friday's famous Francophone: Céline Dion.
- Wrote to pen pals.
Les devoirs:
- Complete the double-sided Leçon 3 workbook worksheet.
- Bring in articles and artifacts.
- Add "French at Julian" as a friend on Facebook!
In class:
- Presented Francophone projects.
- All projects are to be presented by Tuesday.
- All articles and artifacts are due by Tuesday.