En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French about weekend plans, etc.
- Watched and discussed the fairytale YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=h45hDm6xf8A&vq=medium#t=47
- Discussed articles and artifacts.
- Presented the Unité 6 projects.
Les devoirs:
- Complete page 251 activities 5-6.
- Study for Thursday's quiz on Leçon 13.
- Research Forday's famous francophone: Michel Martelly.
En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French about weekend plans, etc.
- Watched and discussed the fairytale YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=h45hDm6xf8A&vq=medium#t=47
- Discussed articles and artifacts.
- Completed page 95 activities 1 and 3.
- Completed a brief warm-up activity to review the Leçon 13 vocabulary.
Les devoirs:
- Complete page 95 activity 2.
- Study for Thursday's quiz on Leçon 13.
- Research Forday's famous francophone: Michel Martelly.