En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French.
- Completed reviewing the Leçon 17 vocabulary worksheets.
- Passed out photos of celebrities and described them using adjectives from Leçon 17.
- Reviewed and corrected Leçon 17 workbook worksheet pages 141.
Les devoirs:
- Complete workbook worksheets pages 143-144.
- Famous Francophone (Nicolas Sarkozy) research is due Thursday.
En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French.
- Played Memory in order to review colors, days, months and seasons.
- Study the colors, days, months, seasons and numbers 1-20 vocabulary in preparation for Thursday's quiz.
- Famous Francophone (Nicolas Sarkozy) research is due Thursday.
In class:
- Worked on Francophone country projects in the MCRC.
- Continue Francophone country project research.
- Famous Francophone (Nicolas Sarkozy) research is due Thursday.