Tuesday, January 27, 2009

French Culture

In class:
  • Reviewed the cognate terms with a partner.
  • Discussed several sections from the book In France.
  • Watched a video on the café culture in France.
  • Discussed impressions of this video.
  • 2nd period: Complete your research for your Francophone project. Study for Thursday's cognate quiz.
  • 9th period: Study for Thursday's cognate quiz.

French II

En classe:
  • Daily review questions and conversations in French about the weekend, etc.
  • Discussed current events and artifacts.
  • Handed back and corrected Leçon 20 quizzes.
  • Passed out French II books. Make sure you have your name labeled in pen on the inside cover. This book is yours for the rest of the year. Take good care of it!
  • Watched the Leçon 21 video about cities and homes.
  • Read pages 188 and 189 and discussed the populations of the largest cities in France, architectural differences in cities (modern vs. historical), and locations/buildings in French cities and towns.
Les devoirs:
  • Complete the Leçon 21 vocabulary worksheet.

French I

**This week in French I, we are going to concentrate on Unité 3 Leçon 9 in the textbook. We will also work on our family photo album project.**

En classe:
  • Daily review questions and conversations in French about the weekend, etc.
  • Discussed current events and artifacts.
  • Watched the Leçon 9 video about food and the café culture in France.
  • Read the Bon Appétit section in the book on page 56 and discussed boulangeries, pâtisseries, and "le fast-food."
  • Practiced ordering food with the expression "Je voudrais...s'il vous plaît."
  • Acted out the two skits on page 58 with a partner.
  • Sang the song "Oh Que J'ai Faim!"
Les devoirs:
  • Complete the Leçon 9 vocabulary worksheet.
  • Finish your family photo album rough draft and bring it to class on Wednesday for peer-editing.