Monday, April 13, 2009

French II

Expression pour la semaine: "J'ai fait la grasse matinée!"

En classe:
  • Daily review questions and conversations in French about the long weekend, etc.
  • Discussed current events and artifacts.
  • Read over and discussed the Leçon 23 quiz study guide.
  • Divided into groups and created sample quiz questions.
Les devoirs:
  • Study for Tuesday's quiz on Leçon 23.

French I

**This week in French I, we will complete our study of Leçon 13 pages 88-92 in preparation for Tuesday's quiz. The rest of the week will be spent working on Leçon 13 pages 93-96. This section of Leçon 13 concentrates on how to talk about what you want, what you would like to do, and what you do not want to do. It also covers how to invite a friend to do something, and how to accept or decline an invitation to do something.**

Expression pour la semaine: "J'ai fait la grasse matinée!"

En classe:
  • Daily review questions and conversations in French about the long weekend, etc.
  • Discussed current events and artifacts.
  • Warm-up activity using the overhead in order to review vocabulary from pages 90-91.
  • Corrected A l'Ecole en France quiz (1st period only).
  • Wrote in journals to pen pals (1st and 6th periods only).
Les devoirs:
  • Study for Tuesday's quiz on Leçon 13 pages 90-91.

French Culture

2nd period:
  • Discussed current events and artifacts.
  • Francophone project presentations.
  • Homework: Prepare for your project presentations if you have not yet presented! Remember: the last day to bring in current events and artifacts is Wednesday!
9th period:
  • Discussed current events and artifacts.
  • Worked on francophone project research.
  • Discussed French cuisine.
  • Homework: All three pages in the francophone project packet must be completed by Wednesday at 3:30. Remember to bring in current events and artifacts!