En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French.
- Introduced possessive adjectives and completed a possessive adjective worksheet together as a class.
- TRP activity using possessive adjective cards.
Les devoirs:
- Complete the possessive adjective worksheet from class as well as worksheet page 192.
En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French.
- "Telephone" review game to prepare for today's quiz.
- Leçon 13 pages 93-94 quiz.
- Wrote to pen pals in journals.
Les devoirs:
- Complete the Leçon 14 vocabulary sheet.
2nd period:
- Reviewed with a partner for the map of France and Europe quiz.
- Worked on the cognate worksheet.
- Read articles in the French travel magazines and shared findings with the class.
- Homework: Complete the cognate worksheet and study for Thursday's map quiz.
9th period:
- Francophone presentations.
- Bring in articles and artifacts: last day is Friday!