En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French.
- Checked-in the Leçon 21 crossword puzzle for a homework grade.
- Introduced and passed out the guidelines for the Leçon 21 project "Ma Ville Idéale."
- Worked on rough drafts of projects.
Les devoirs:
- Your extra credit French Valentine's Day assignment is due tomorrow.
- Work on your "Ville Idéale" project and come to class on Wednesday with your rough draft and any materials you'd like to use.
En classe:
- Daily review questions and conversations in French.
- Warm-up activity on the overhead using the Leçon 9 vocabulary.
- Checked-in the Leçon 9 crossword puzzle for a homework grade.
- Worked on the Family Photo Album projects.
Les devoirs:
- French Valentine's Day extra credit assignment is due tomorrow.
- Continue to work on your Photo Album project. Bring your supplies to class on Wednesday. The project is due Thursday.
- Worked on our ideal vacation itinerary to Paris/France and groups presented these fantasy vacations.
- Watched some of the Rudy Maxa Travel Channel DVD on Paris.
- Homework: 2nd period - Francophone projects are due tomorrow! Be prepared to present! 9th period - Continue to research your Francophone country. The first page of the packet is due by the end of 9th period on Wednesday.