Thursday, January 8, 2009

French I

En classe:
  • Daily review questions and conversations in French.
  • Warm-up activity to review Leçon 8 vocabulary (students translated 5 questions and answers) and then corrected it as a class.
  • Reviewed and corrected Wednesday's homework (book page 47 activity 5).
  • Worked with a partner to read and answer questions about three cultural artifacts (French advertisements). Excellent cultural conversation, 1st period!
Les devoirs:
  • Complete book page 52 activity 3 on a separate sheet of paper. Write in complete sentences!
  • 6th period: Since over half of the class did not finish Wednesday's homework, please make sure that it is completed by Friday as well as page 52 activity 3 AND the cultural artifacts worksheet, which we did not have time to do in class!