Tuesday, September 15, 2009

French I

En classe:
  • Daily review questions and conversations in French.
  • Sang the song of the week: "Qui Je Suis."
  • Finished reading the "Alphabet" book and completed the Alphabet Français worksheet.
  • Sang the two versions of the alphabet français.
  • Used dry erase boards to practice writing French words by listening to Mlle Young spell them out in French.
  • Took notes on French accent marks and danced the accent dance! (except 6th and 9th periods)
  • Handed back and made corrections to the colors, numbers, days, months and seasons quiz (only in 1st period).
Les devoirs:
  • Practice the ABCs in French. Sing both ABC songs to friends or family. Also, review the French accent marks.
  • Friday's famous Francophone: Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.