Monday, October 26, 2009

French I

Expression pour la semaine: "Friandises ou bêtises!"

En classe:
  • Daily review questions and conversations in French about weekend plans, etc.
  • Played "Pictionary" with the French Halloween vocabulary.
  • Discussed articles and artifacts.
  • Introduced and sang "Vent Frais, Vent du Matin."
  • Handed back and corrected the Leçon 3 quiz. If you got a D+ or below, please bring it home and have it signed this week!
Les devoirs:
  • Complete book page 29 activity 6 on a separate sheet of paper. Write a question and an answer for each city.
  • Study for Thursday's quiz on Leçon 4.
  • Friday's famous francophone: Tony Parker.